Saturday, January 9, 2010

Week in Review

I have always looked at Saturdays as the end of the week. Friday is the end of the normal work week and most mark the end of the week with cocktails, dinner, movie, a show, drunken Karaoke performances, or a combination of all those.

My week was fabulous. Busy preparing for the semester and moving my life in a new direction. I have committed to working another fire season with the Forest Service. Hopefully the knees will hold up. I'm thinking about my French class and the fun I am going to have reacquainting myself with its culture and language (Francais et une langue tres romantique, oui?). Looking at my calendar, I noticed St. Valentine's Day falls on a Sunday. I had an epiphany, ironically it occured on Wednesday, January 6th, about organizing a Bicycling Singles Mingle get together at the art museum on this day. If you are interested in participating or helping organize this, shoot me an email or post a comment. Here's the general info:

I'm calling it Bicycle Lovestory!
10 women, 10 men
We'll match bicycles and by doing so, indirectly match singles
Singles must give basic info: Type of bicycle w/picture, your age, and preferrred match for your bicycle
Agree to meet at the art museum on Feb. 14th

After this day, you'll be inspired to begin writing your Bicycle Lovestory...

Chapter 1, The Art Museum...

I'll post a free ad in the Alibi classifieds over the next few weeks.


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